ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday 14 May 2020 Chairman’s and Committee’s Reports This is my twentieth year as your chairman. I Read more
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday, 16th May Chairman’s report This is our 71st Annual General Meeting and my 19th as your Read more
Sat 7th & Sun 8th May, 10am-1pm Free entry to The Harington Scheme Open Weekend and Spring Plant Sale at Read more
Sunday 29th May, 10am-2pm The fair will be held at Hornsey Parish Church, which is at the bottom of Cranley Read more
Hear from your Ward Officers and have your say The local policing team is now resuming its regular community contact Read more
My activities fall into two categories; saving trees and promoting trees. Saving Trees Trees in our area are felled or Read more
Have your say in the consultation Haringey Council has begun a consultation process on plans to encourage walking, cycling and Read more
There are currently three consultations concerning proposed Controlled Parking Zones ('CPZs') in our area. They are: Alexandra Palace West concerning Read more
Due to the current membership secretary moving out of our area we are looking for a replacement. The role requires Read more
The application to build four flats on the roof of Whitehall Lodge has been finally rejected. The latest appeal has Read more
Wave Café invites all MHFGA members to the Wave Café Experience Evening, on Thursday 2nd December from 6-9pm, at the Read more
DEADLINE FOR CONSULTATION: 22 OCTOBER   The former care home at Cranwood House, located at the junction of Muswell Hill Read more
Investing In Local Projects The Association is delighted to announce the inaugural Community Fund, with up to £500 available to Read more
PLANNING AND CAAC BT Street Hub in St James Square (also see BT Street Hub Application) There have been about Read more
Finchley Cycle Lane A1000 Barnet Council will decide whether to make the cycle and bus lane scheme a permanent feature Read more