IN THIS ISSUE Launch of Odd One Out 2018 kids’ competitionBus services proposal: route 603. Alexandra Palace Theatre: close to
Inside this issue: 1 70th Birthday Celebrations 2 Photography Competition 3 Member in Profile: Joan Podel North London Symphony Orchestra
Inside this issue: 2 Notices, MHFGA contacts 3 Member in Profile Anti-social behaviour 4 Maureen Foulkes-Hajdu Alex’s Corner 5 Muswell
Inside this issue: 1 Alexandra Palace Theatre Very Merry Muswell 2 Notices, MHFGA contacts 3 Member in Profile - Jane
Inside this issue: 1 Muswell Hill Library, Odd One Out 2 Notices, MHFGA contacts 3 Member in Profile - Joyce
Midsummer Muswell: Great public success of the annual Midsummer Muswell event. MHFGA Chairman, John Hajdu, awarded the Local Gem Award. MEMBERS'
Spot the Odd One Out! Summer competition for local children with prizes galore Members' Letters: Graffiti, fly-posting and the story of
Muswell Hill Library: become a friend. MHFGA AGM: May 17. Come to hear what the Association has done and say
A Postcard from the Past: Hello Dolly. Coldfall Primary School: the power of green fingers. Rhodes Avenue Primary School: committed
Queens Avenue: the dirtiest road in Muswell Hill? Member in Profile: Stella Roche. Pinkham Way: still at risk - new consultation deadline, 13
Alexandra Palace & Park: The Chief Executive and the Park Manager speak about the present and the future. Pinkham Way: still in danger
Walking Through Nature & History: From Coldfall Wood, to St.Pancras and Islington Cemeteries, to Pantechnicon lettering and Arts and Crafts. Member In Profile: Jane