September | October 2017

Midsummer Muswell: Great public success of the annual Midsummer Muswell event. MHFGA Chairman, John Hajdu, awarded the Local Gem Award.
MEMBERS’ MEETINGS: Thursday 5th October, 2.30pm: Tour of Alexandra Palace Theatre; Thursday 9th November, 7.45pm: Visit to Majestic Wine.
Member in Profile: Susan Rosenberg.
New Haringey Plans for Green Waste Disposal: charges for garden and bulky waste from 23 October.
Members’ Letters: More on the green garden waste collection. Memories of the first post-war TV transmission.
Muswell Hill Library: Latest ‘Options Report’ due to be released at the end of July, now delayed until at least September 2017.
New Corporate Members: Can’t Buy Me Love, Lavender White, Cha Cha Cha & Snappy Snaps
Transport News: New pedestrian crossings and renaming bus stops.
Moped Muggins: Dedicated Robbery Unit to tackle this kind of crime with local days of action supported by public prevention advice, leaflets and posters.