February 2025 Conservation Report

February 2025 Conservation Report

Former bank premises

Permission has been granted to convert all of the upper floors of the former Lloyds Bank building to residential use. There will be some minor modifications to the appearance of the side and rear elevations, presumably the reason why planning permission was required. We are unaware of any other planning applications concerning the former bank premises in the Broadway, but most other uses would not require planning permission.

Dangerous masonry

In recent weeks, several buildings in the town centre have been covered in scaffolding to facilitate decorating and maintenance works. This will hopefully reduce the incidents of falling masonry. However, there are still obvious examples of decay – and doubtless, there will be other instances where it is not obvious from the street.

Planning Applications and Enforcement

30 Queens Avenue
Following concerns raised by nearby residents, we have made a planning enforcement complaint that full-width basement excavation works are being carried out even though a code of safe working and other requirements imposed in the planning permission have not been submitted by the developer and agreed upon by the Council before these basement works commenced. This is a very clear requirement for planning permission.