February 2025 Planning Report

February 2025 Planning Report

New Applications

Since December, there have been fifty-two planning applications in the Wards that the Association is concerned with, and no objections have been lodged. This is consistent with the low level of applications over the last few months, the majority again being for small, uncontested domestic projects.

Existing Applications Updates

  1. Tennis Club, Southern Road. See the MHFGA May June 2024 Newsletter article for background. The proposal has attracted over 250 comments, the majority of which objected. There is still no decision nor any indication of when one will be made.
  2. 13 Bedford Road. An application to demolish the existing building and erect a new mixed-use development up to five storeys high with commercial uses at ground level, 12 self-contained flats and a basement plant room. With over fifty comments filed and a target decision date in July last year, no decision has yet been posted.
  3. Cornerways, Ellington Road / Cranley Gardens. Despite the objections of residents and the MHFGA, on 20th January, a revised application to develop a site on the corner of Ellington Road and Cranley Gardens was granted consent. The site is part of the garden of the adjoining house facing Ellington Road. Previous applications were dismissed because of an unacceptable internal layout and failure to address the area’s character.