3/23 MHFGA Chairman steps down

John Hajdu MBE has announced that after 22 years he feels that it is time to step down as Chairman of the Association and for somebody new to take over the reins.
John has served for an astonishing 25 years on the Committee which is a third of the time the Association has been in existence! We are extremely grateful for all he has done for Muswell Hill. You will hear about some of John’s work and achievements when he addresses us for the final time as Chair at the AGM on 13 May.
We have launched a search to find a new Chair and it is hoped that the new post holder will be appointed at the AGM.
Information about the nature of the role and the main areas of responsibility are contained in a job description and this can be found here. If you would like to be considered for this important position please get in touch with our Hon Secretary John Crompton. His email address is secretary@mhfga.org