01/23 Wanted: Newsletter Editor
The Muswell Hill & Fortis Green Association needs a Newsletter Editor
The eight-page Newsletter is published every two months and is circulated by email and post to over 700 members. See https://mhfga.org/category/newsletters/.
As Newsletter Editor, you would also be a Committee member and play a role in running the Association and setting its policies.
Much of the Newsletter contents would come from other Committee members – including Planning, Environment, Transport, Membership, Press & PR & Events – and correspondence from members.
What the role involves:
- collect and write stories about our local area and information about the Association’s activities and achievements;
- liaise with the Committee and members to source articles and pictures;
- make sure that the newsletter covers all relevant information and that the material is received on time for publication;
- make sure relevant permissions to use articles, photos and members’ personal information have been received.
Interested? Please contact MHFGA Chairman, John Hajdu, hajdu.clarion@talk21.com.