06/22 Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panels – new members required
Ward panels are an important mechanism for our local policing to obtain the views of the community about crime and disorder in a neighbourhood and for police to provide information on policing to communities.
The ward panels are independent of the police but perform an important role in guiding and advising the work of the safer neighbourhood teams including setting the ward priorities. The panels are comprised not only of local residents and business owners, but also representatives from schools, places of worship, neighbourhood watch and residents groups. The aim is for the panel to have wide representation and to reflect the local community. The panels tend to meet every three months.
All three of our ward panels (Muswell Hill, Fortis Green and Alexandra) are looking for new members to ensure full representation across their community.
If you are interested in joining your local ward panel please contact Brian Livingston in the first instance who will put you in contact with the Chair of your ward panel.
Brian Livingston (Chair Fortis Green Ward Panel) – cblivingston@btinternet.com