This year we welcomed 29 new members comprising 1 business & organisation account and 28 households (note a household can have several members).
This brings the total number of members to 773 comprising 78 business & organisation accounts and 459 households.

Members Talks
As we’ve been unable to have in person speakers, we’ve instead run several talks via video conferencing. These have been well attended with 50-60 people connecting in person.
Members Newsletters
The newsletter is now primarily distributed via email with a small number being printed out and posted to those members who do not have access to email.
Members enquiries
We’ve supported our members over the year across a wide range of matters including finding old friends, historical information, planning, crime, horticulture and much more!
We’ve made progress with the membership database – MemberMojo – and it’s now largely reliable and up to date. There are still some shortfalls – the main being that Direct Debit isn’t automatically logged and the sign up process for that is somewhat clunky. We are limited in what we can do to improve this as it’s part of the membership database package that we use.
Business & organisations membership
In line with the nature of our members, we’ve renamed our ‘corporate’ membership tier to ‘Business & Organisations’. We’re looking to build on the existing offering and add more information in the form of a directory on the website which will allow those members to better promote themselves to our members.
Richard Marmalade, Membership Secretary