Newsletter January – February 2023

In this Issue

MHFGA Community Fund. The winners: Wave Café, Muswell Hill Welcomes, and Futsal Stars Foundation.
Welcome to new Committee members: Agnes Gomori (Membership); Moira O’Neill (Press & PR); and Nigel Clark (Members’ Meetings).
Member Profile: Agnes Gomori.
OWL – Online Watch Link: keeping communities safe.
Environment and Green Spaces: maintenance and upkeep.
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: have you been affected by the Bounds Green LTNs?
Muswell Hill Playing Fields & Playground: work in progress.
Alexandra Palace & Park: the CEO, Emma Dagnes, speaks to the MHFGA members.
Member Questionnaire: we need your feedback.
The Bishop of London’s Hunting Park: the history.
Haringey’s Tree & Woodland Plan: are there enough resources?

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